
Full Time Jobs in Mesa, AZ |Wonderful Five Star Review by Maritza R.

2020-05-20 7 Dailymotion

Express Employment Professionals of Mesa, AZ reviews
Excellent Review

Its been two weeks since I started my job thru Express services and I can't thank them enough for finding me a position within hours!. I especially want to thank Charles @ the Mesa office for working with me so diligently on a job until 9pm @ night, so i can report to work by 4am the following morning. It was a challenge because my computer wasn't working on my end but he made it happen where I was able to complete all paper work within a timely matter and report to work that morning. He is Awesome!! Let me not forget the office staff who also was on board for all my needs...

Express Employment Professionals of Mesa, AZ
849 N Dobson Rd #107
Mesa Arizona 85201
(480) 820-3700

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